Watch… You Will See

Jesus was 33 when he died. There is some­thing enchant­i­ng about that. I feel old. Prob­a­bly because many peo­ple I meet are younger than me and things didn’t used to be this way. But still, I feel like I have so much life left to live. Here are my reflec­tions on my 33rd year of life and my won­ders for my 34th.

Read More Watch… You Will See

[CONFESSIONS] Making Peace With My Mother (and Myself)

First, I thought I had malaria—the infec­tious dis­ease born from par­a­sitic mos­qui­toes that infil­trates blood cells result­ing in death—but lat­er learned the only par­a­site was a bun­dle grow­ing inside me that pro-life activists called a bless­ing from God, but my moth­er deemed shame­ful.  The excite­ment of spend­ing 4 months study­ing abroad my senior year of college […]

Read More [CONFESSIONS] Mak­ing Peace With My Moth­er (and Myself)