Site icon Herina Ayot.

“Champagne Life” for Def Jam Executive’s Birthday Bash

It was cham­pagne life last Thurs­day night at Shawn “Pecas” Cost­ner’s 40th birth­day par­ty host­ed by Hot 97’s Ang­ie Mar­tinez. The Vice Pres­i­dent of Def Jam Pro­mo­tions and renowned music indus­try exec­u­tive cel­e­brat­ed on the roof deck at Stu­dio Square in Asto­ria Queens with a star stud­ded crowd. The décor was beau­ti­ful with the white leather couch­es, the back­drop of Manhattan’s sky­line, and an illu­mi­nat­ed water tow­er in the dis­tance, but the peo­ple there were even more beau­ti­ful where, on a score of 1 to 10, half the women were at least a 25 and the oth­er half too fan­cy to rate.  Women of all shades and col­ors had booties so rotund you’d think they came straight from Africa.… Read more at

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