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Eric Benet Talks Crying Men, Seventies Soul, and New Album

If Eric Benét’s newest sin­gle “Some­times I Cry” is any indi­ca­tion of what is to come on his forth­com­ing album Lost In Time, due out Novem­ber 30th, then we can expect soul­ful great­ness packed with emo­tion and wrapped in pas­sion.  He is the epit­o­me of a man in touch with his feel­ings and this album is a kind of tell all, but he is no writer of nov­els. Instead he opts to release his feel­ings through song and does it in the most beau­ti­ful way. He paints his words and uses live instru­ments as his can­vas. This time around, he wants you to feel what he is say­ing and not just hear it.  He recent­ly kicked off a two-month nation­wide tour with Fan­ta­sia tak­ing his pas­sion on the road. Par­lé Mag­a­zine had the plea­sure of a per­son­al con­ver­sa­tion with him to get inside the mas­ter­mind behind the music and dis­sect his many inspi­ra­tions. … Read more at

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