Herina Ayot

In Love and Relationships: The Four Lessons I’ll Take On My Journey

Our minds have a lot to do with where we allow our lives to take us and the kind of rela­tion­ships we are inclined to have.  A writer I enjoy, Michelle McK­in­ney Ham­mond, once told me that self mas­tery says, I am the boss of me. I make deci­sions that the rest of me fol­lows to my betterment.

When you look at your life, as a series of years, like a book sec­tioned into chap­ters, it is much eas­i­er to see the road you’ve trav­eled, your bless­ings, and your fail­ures that give way to bless­ings that make life all the more fulfilling.

In love, the jour­ney is all about tri­al and error. Yet, when we err, we err on the side of being too vul­ner­a­ble, too lov­ing, too giv­ing, and too pas­sion­ate. Thus far, 2012 has brought peo­ple into my life who have changed me for the bet­ter. Even those who have hurt me have real­ly helped me because, in them, I’ve uncov­ered four lessons to take with me for my journey…

Read more at Madame Noire.  http://madamenoire.com/206280/in-love-in-life-the-four-lessons-ill-take-on-my-journey/

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