Site icon Herina Ayot.

The Most Valuable Lesson I’ve Learned From My Kids

me and the twins

At first thought, one may think that Chris­sy and Miah are lit­tle girls, but despite the advice of fam­i­ly and the num­ber of con­cerned stares I get when I call their names in pub­lic, I con­tin­ue to refer to my twin boys Chris­t­ian and Jere­mi­ah as such. Although at age 6 and in the first grade, they are grow­ing out of their adorable “baby names,” and it is increas­ing­ly hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I’m bare­ly 28 years old and already I’ve been a moth­er for over six years.

Friends of mine are fin­ish­ing dis­ser­ta­tions, tak­ing the bar exam, dat­ing, and plan­ning wed­dings, while I’m bal­anc­ing sin­gle moth­er­hood and a nine-to-five, and have added karate lessons three times a week to my list of things to do. I’m tired, but I made my bed so here I lie.

It start­ed with a stom­ach ache in Accra, the cap­i­tal city of Ghana… READ MORE at Huff­in­g­ton Post.

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