Herina Ayot

The Lucky Ones

The Lucky Ones is a short sto­ry inspired by the 1958 stab­bing of MLK. It is a work of fiction. 

Once when I was 9, my moth­er threat­ened to beat me for grow­ing too fast. This wasn’t the first nor the last time she would make that threat but she nev­er fol­lowed through. Now, look­ing back at that time in Savan­nah when the whole world was crum­bling under the weight of the Great Depres­sion, Dad­dies were shoot­ing them­selves through the mouth, and black folks were still less than half a man, I don’t blame her for want­i­ng to keep her baby girl young, pure, and inno­cent. Read more at Mid­night and Indigo

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