Site icon Herina Ayot.

The Novel

bookWhen Keri­cho Blu becomes a young moth­er of twins as a result of an unplanned preg­nan­cy while abroad in Ghana, she attempts to nav­i­gate through life alone, uncov­er­ing curs­es and bless­ings from her ances­tors that began with a bru­tal beat­ing of her 7 year old uncle.

A sin­is­ter and psy­cho­log­i­cal tale, the sto­ry is large­ly a com­ing-of-age jour­ney that criss cross­es through Keri­cho’s child­hood, teenage years, and present day to reveal how her past has shaped her and the inte­gral mem­bers of her sto­ry. There is Sun­day Blu, her old­er sis­ter and con­fi­dant with a tiny rose for a bel­ly but­ton. Grace Blu, her moth­er, has suf­fered the loss of her younger broth­er, Jamie, by his own hands and has become hard set in her ways. Lemuel Blu is Kericho’s gen­tle Kenyan father and her only sav­ing grace. When he becomes fatal­ly ill, she los­es hope, her trust in God, and her emo­tion­al san­i­ty as she bat­tles men­tal ill­ness, tox­ic love affairs, finan­cial strain, and sex­u­al promis­cu­ity until she soon dis­cov­ers that noth­ing is at it seems.

Pur­chase the e‑book here. The hard­cov­er edi­tion is avail­able every­where books are sold.

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