

I am a cre­ative writer, psy­chother­a­pist, and behav­ioral sci­en­tist, a sto­ry­teller craft­ing com­pelling nar­ra­tives that reframe trau­ma, pain, and redemp­tion from an expe­ri­en­tial and exis­ten­tial approach. I am active­ly explor­ing what it means to be human.

“We trust our minds much more than we should, but as it turns out, they are deceit­ful bas­tards lying far more often than they tell truth.” ‑Heri­na Ayot

Latest Pieces

The Lucky Ones

The Lucky Ones is a short sto­ry inspired by the 1958 stab­bing of MLK. It is a work of fic­tion.  Once when I was 9, my moth­er threat­ened to beat me for […]

Read More The Lucky Ones

Just Human: Black stories are most rewarded when they center blackness — which, in a certain sense, is to center whiteness

It is a cool autumn morn­ing and I am perched on my couch, a cof­fee cup near­by, a few pages into Clau­dia Rankine’s newest book, Just Us: An Amer­i­can Con­ver­sa­tion. My 14-year-old son […]

Read More Just Human: Black sto­ries are most reward­ed when they cen­ter black­ness — which, in a cer­tain sense, is to cen­ter whiteness

The Single Parent Solution

My 8‑year-old twins have a prob­lem. There are three sides to the sto­ry. The Black Fam­i­ly in Amer­i­ca has suf­fered tremen­dous set­backs since our arrival over 400 years ago. In recent decades, some, […]

Read More The Sin­gle Par­ent Solution

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