I am a creative writer, psychotherapist, and behavioral scientist, a storyteller crafting compelling narratives that reframe trauma, pain, and redemption from an experiential and existential approach. I am actively exploring what it means to be human.

“We trust our minds much more than we should, but as it turns out, they are deceitful bastards lying far more often than they tell truth.” ‑Herina Ayot

Creative Work

Loss denotes pain that can sometimes be debilitating.  But I am learning that pain is just pain. Not good. Not bad. Just part of being a human being.

A young, single mother is scammed out of money in Paris and finds the silver lining in her loss. Two years later, during the pandemic, she is deceived romantically in much the same way.

The Lucky Ones is a short story inspired by the 1958 stabbing of MLK. It is a work of fiction. Once when …

When you dig deep, you’ll find that both victim and perpetrator were fighting silent battles   When I was 22, I spent …

It is a cool autumn morning and I am perched on my couch, a coffee cup nearby, a few pages into Claudia …

The mysterious thing about beginnings is that they sometimes hide themselves, not revealing what they are until years or decades later when you can look back and see them for what they really are.

Research & Policy

The theory represents a significant evolution in criminological thought, expanding upon traditional strain theories by introducing a broader, more flexible framework for …

The US justice system has experimented with initiatives aimed at diverting offenders away from prison, but public policies often rely on the …

Notwithstanding societal effects on the human mind, to put things more simply, rates of incarceration are extraordinarily high in the US because …

A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies:

The stories that are never read

“In the end, we’ll all become stories.”

– Margaret Atwood

Presentations and Speaking Engagements

The Welsh Centre for Crime

and Social Justice

(WCCSJ) Conference

May, 12, 2025

Cardiff, Wales