5 Ways We Lose the Life We Would Have Loved

My favorite place in the world is not on an island beach. It’s not at an Egyptian spa or even in the soft caress of a man’s arms. My favorite place… is my bedroom.

It’s serene. I painted the walls a subtle shade of grey and installed a light dimmer to get the perfect lighting to end the day, on my back nestled on top of my satin sheets, staring at the ceiling and imagining the day’s events pasted there for my review.

When I go over my own life and the lives of many of my friends, I notice such a discrepancy between true passion and practical living. I graduated from college and set out to achieve my heart’s desires. One job led to the next and with each position I felt less than fulfilled, watching my career trajectory head too far away from my goals. Then one night laying in my Zen, talking to God, and studying myself, I decided to become an active participant in my life, demanding from it what I wanted instead of blindly accepting what it presented me with. Conveniently, around this time, I lost my job. I wasn’t that into it anyway. I wanted to work again, to sink my teeth into something I loved but I vowed not to make the same mistakes over and find myself in an office cubicle watching the clock until lunch.

1. Most of us accept positions out of desperation instead of holding out for what we really want

2014-02-08-Corbis4220042126.jpgIt is true that we have real problems and things cost real money. That is not something that can be ignored, but my faith reminded me that a job is not a source of sustenance, it’s only a resource. My source of income hadn’t changed. Heaven has always been on my side. So instead of worrying about my next paycheck, I …. read more at The Huffington Post.


