Tag: personal journey

  • Baby Butterflies

    Baby Butterflies

    Loss denotes pain that can sometimes be debilitating.  But I am learning that pain is just pain. Not good. Not bad. Just part of being a human being.

  • I Fell In Love Carrying Another Man’s Child

    I Fell In Love Carrying Another Man’s Child

    I fell in love across the Atlantic in a country more beautiful than God himself while four months pregnant with another man’s child. The first time I saw him, it was nighttime in late August, the moon a perfect sickle. My plane landed in Accra, Ghana, and the air smelled like curry spices, yam and…

  • Confessions: Lost Him Found Myself

    It was in the nights I spent letting my tears trickle onto my lavender pillows, that I often wondered why Apple never created an app for heartbreak.  iHurt seemed like a fitting name. The idea could hardly be novel in this time when anyone with internet access could upload, download, or Google all of life’s answers if they…