Site icon Herina Ayot.

A Decade of War Pushes PTSD To the Forefront in Healthcare Concerns

Vet­er­ans are often viewed as exhibit­ing brav­ery and val­or in the face of dan­ger, all in hon­or of uni­ty.  But it is not uncom­mon for many of them to end up des­ti­tute, and strick­en with men­tal ill­ness and social with­draw­al stem­ming from their days in bat­tle, expe­ri­enc­ing death as often as one might expe­ri­ence breakfast.

While it is a com­mon con­sen­sus that these indi­vid­u­als should be afford­ed treat­ment, they are far too often shunned from soci­ety and viewed as out­casts, a stig­ma asso­ci­at­ed with PTSD that has been dif­fi­cult to break. The con­tra­dic­tion is sim­i­lar to one offer­ing the home­less a help­ing hand…without touch­ing them…Read More at Health­works Collective.

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