Hip Hop Group, Voice, Have the Audacity to Stand Out – Herina Ayot

Hip Hop Group, Voice, Have the Audacity to Stand Out

“Swag­ger with some con­tent. Some­thing you can bop to.”  Nick Vibes, one third of the Louisville, Ken­tucky Hip-Hop group, Voice, defined their music well with this line from their sin­gle “What Chu Sed.” Web­ster’s dic­tio­nary defines an anom­aly as an irreg­u­lar­i­ty or some­thing that devi­ates from the nor­mal expec­ta­tions. Nick Vibes, Dre Vice, and Suave Duave have enti­tled their upcom­ing albumThe Anom­aly in an attempt to alert their audi­ence of the new approach they bring to music. Their lyrics are wit­ty and social­ly rel­e­vant. Their music is easy to lis­ten to and the unde­ni­ably attrac­tive mem­bers are quite easy to look at. These artists are on the verge of some­thing big and Par­lé Mag­a­zine want­ed a piece of the action. We caught up with Nick Vibes and Dre Vice to under­stand where they get the audac­i­ty to stand out… Read more at ParleMagazine.com