life Archives – Herina Ayot


9 Pieces of Advice Every Woman Needs

1. “There’s a place in you that you must keep invi­o­late. You must keep it pris­tine. Clean. So that nobody has a right to curse you or treat you bad­ly. Nobody. No moth­er, father, no wife, no hus­band, no­­­ — nobody. You have to have a place where you say: ‘Stop it. Back up. Don’t you know I’m a child of God?’”  – Dr. Maya Angelou 2.“Share with peo­ple who’ve earned the right to hear your sto­ry.” — Dr. Brené Brown 3.“Look at the sky: that is for you. Look at each per­son­’s face as you pass on the street: those faces are for you. … Remem­ber this when you wake up in the morn­ing and think you have noth­ing.” — Miran­da July 4.“The more room you give your­self to express your true thoughts and feel­ings, the more room there is for your wis­dom to emerge.” — Mar­i­anne Williamson 5.“What­ev­er you do in life, remem­ber: Think high­er and feel deep­er. It can­not be bad if you do that.” — Elie Wiesel 6.“Per­haps the noblest pri­vate act is the unher­ald­ed effort to … open our hearts once they’ve closed, to open our souls once they’ve shied away.” — Mark Nepo 7. “Most unhap­py peo­ple need to learn just one les­son: how to see them­selves through the lens of gen­uine com­pas­sion and treat them­selves accord­ing­ly.” — Martha Beck 8.“No one feels strong when she exam­ines her own weak­ness. But in fac­ing weak­ness, you learn how much there is in you, and you find real strength.” — Pat Sum­mitt 9.“Love lib­er­ates. Love — not sen­ti­men­tal­i­ty, not mush — but true love gives you enough courage that you can say to some­body, ‘Don’t do that, baby.’ And the per­son will know you’re not preach­ing but teach­ing.” — Dr. Maya Angelou Source

9 Pieces of Advice Every Woman Needs Read More »

5 Things I Know For Sure

1. Life is about rela­tion­ships, not mon­ey.   2. Nev­er take any­thing too seri­ous­ly. At even the dark­est times, it’s not that bad.   3. Every­one fights a bat­tle at some point in their life. Every­one. Whether you can see it or not.   4. Cheese and bacon makes every­thing taste bet­ter.   5. God is real.

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