Young Chris Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Young Chris, bet­ter known as one half of the duo, Young Gunz, is back to rein­tro­duce him­self. He meant what he said when he and his part­ner Neef gained much suc­cess with their sin­gle “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop.”  With his new­ly released mix­tape as a solo artist titled apt­ly, The Re-Intro­­duc­­tion, it is evi­dent that Young Chris has matured and trans­formed and may be more appro­pri­ate­ly referred to as Christo­pher Ries. He signed to Gram­my Award win­ning pro­duc­er, Rico Love’s (I AM…Sasha Fierce, Ray­mond vs. Ray­mond) Divi­sion One Label under the Universal/Motown umbrel­la and start­ed work imme­di­ate­ly on new songs. Par­lé Mag­a­zine caught up with Young Chris for a brief but can­did con­ver­sa­tion about life as a solo artist and all that Hip-Hop is lack­ing these days.… Read more at

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