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FOR GENTLEMEN ONLY: How to Make a Sophisticated Drink for a Special Lady

A man’s choice in drink is a sign of maturity.

Just as a man’s abil­i­ty to dis­cern a woman’s desires comes with expe­ri­ence, his behav­ior is adjust­ed accord­ing­ly. The at-home din­ner date pro­vides an oppor­tu­ni­ty for him to show just how far he’s come in his jour­ney from a boy to a man. The man as the hunter, pro­tec­tor, and the provider often seeks to please the woman to lure her into his good graces. As he matures, his home evolves from the unkempt bachelor’s pad to a well designed gentleman’s abode. Toi­let paper always stocked, can­dles tucked away, mood music on hand in antic­i­pa­tion of a woman. His cologne is a fra­grance that attracts. If he can’t cook, he orders in. The choice in cui­sine is always hers to make. But the bev­er­age of choice some­times gets lost in between his search for Usher’s lat­est cd and the menu for that Indi­an restaurant.


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