Watch… You Will See

Jesus was 33 when he died. There is some­thing enchant­i­ng about that. I feel old. Prob­a­bly because many peo­ple I meet are younger than me and things didn’t used to be this way. But still, I feel like I have so much life left to live. Here are my reflec­tions on my 33rd year of life and my won­ders for my 34th.

Read More Watch… You Will See

Immunotherapy Trains the Immune System to Attack Cancer Cells

Immunother­a­py is the new black when it comes to treat­ing Can­cer, rais­ing hope in con­quer­ing this age old ill­ness. Treat­ing infec­tious dis­ease using the body’s own defens­es oper­ates under the premise that the body is able to retain mem­o­ry to guard against dis­ease. Can­cer immunother­a­py oper­ates under a sim­i­lar premise. The Wall Street Jour­nal recently […]

Read More Immunother­a­py Trains the Immune Sys­tem to Attack Can­cer Cells