
Author name: Herina Ayot

Writer. Woman. Human. I write about the difficult places.

Female Sexual Dysfunction (Yes, It Exists)

My moth­er once told me that she nev­er liked sex.  She has always been the con­ser­v­a­tive kind: always wear­ing panty­hose under all dress­es and skirts, just a touch of make­up when she went out— which she sel­dom did and was almost always back home and in bed by 10:30. In fact, she sur­prised me the one time I noticed cleav­age at her neck­line. And the only time I heard her swear was when she was read­ing a pas­sage out loud from “To Kill A Mock­ing­bird” and even then, she gri­maced in pain. …Read more at Ebony.com

Female Sexual Dysfunction (Yes, It Exists) Read More »

The “A” Word

Con­ser­v­a­tives, in the­o­ry, are staunch pro-life activists, abhor­ring a woman’s right to choose, label­ing any and every preg­nan­cy a bless­ing from God. They are also, more often than not, anti-abor­­tion and pro-death penal­ty. They don’t believe in killing peo­ple until they’re actu­al­ly born. …Read more at Clutch Magazine.

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TDI-132 Shows Promising Results In the Treatment of ALS

ALS may be the most dead­ly dis­ease many peo­ple have nev­er heard of. Amy­otroph­ic lat­er­al scle­ro­sis (ALS), also referred to as Lou Gehrig’s dis­ease affects at least 30,000 peo­ple in the Unit­ed States and 450,000 peo­ple world­wide.  It is a pro­gres­sive neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­or­der that caus­es mus­cle atro­phy, paral­y­sis, and ulti­mate­ly death with a three to five year sur­vival rate. …Read more at Onemedplace.com

TDI-132 Shows Promising Results In the Treatment of ALS Read More »

Immunotherapy Trains the Immune System to Attack Cancer Cells

Immunother­a­py is the new black when it comes to treat­ing Can­cer, rais­ing hope in con­quer­ing this age old ill­ness. Treat­ing infec­tious dis­ease using the body’s own defens­es oper­ates under the premise that the body is able to retain mem­o­ry to guard against dis­ease. Can­cer immunother­a­py oper­ates under a sim­i­lar premise. The Wall Street Jour­nal recent­ly pub­lished an arti­cle high­light­ing two drugs Bris­­tol-Myers Squibb pre­sent­ed at the Amer­i­can Soci­ety of Clin­i­cal Oncol­o­gy (ASCO) last week­end in Chica­go.  The pre­sen­ta­tion came on the heels of …Read more at Onemedplace.com.

Immunotherapy Trains the Immune System to Attack Cancer Cells Read More »

FOR GENTLEMEN ONLY: How to Make a Sophisticated Drink for a Special Lady

A man’s choice in drink is a sign of matu­ri­ty. Just as a man’s abil­i­ty to dis­cern a woman’s desires comes with expe­ri­ence, his behav­ior is adjust­ed accord­ing­ly. The at-home din­ner date pro­vides an oppor­tu­ni­ty for him to show just how far he’s come in his jour­ney from a boy to a man. The man as the hunter, pro­tec­tor, and the provider often seeks to please the woman to lure her into his good graces. As he matures, his home evolves from the unkempt bachelor’s pad to a well designed gentleman’s abode. Toi­let paper always stocked, can­dles tucked away, mood music on hand in antic­i­pa­tion of a woman. His cologne is a fra­grance that attracts. If he can’t cook, he orders in. The choice in cui­sine is always hers to make. But the bev­er­age of choice some­times gets lost in between his search for Usher’s lat­est cd and the menu for that Indi­an restau­rant. Read more at Ebony.com

FOR GENTLEMEN ONLY: How to Make a Sophisticated Drink for a Special Lady Read More »

A Decade of War Pushes PTSD To the Forefront in Healthcare Concerns

Vet­er­ans are often viewed as exhibit­ing brav­ery and val­or in the face of dan­ger, all in hon­or of uni­ty.  But it is not uncom­mon for many of them to end up des­ti­tute, and strick­en with men­tal ill­ness and social with­draw­al stem­ming from their days in bat­tle, expe­ri­enc­ing death as often as one might expe­ri­ence break­fast. While it is a com­mon con­sen­sus that these indi­vid­u­als should be afford­ed treat­ment, they are far too often shunned from soci­ety and viewed as out­casts, a stig­ma asso­ci­at­ed with PTSD that has been dif­fi­cult to break. The con­tra­dic­tion is sim­i­lar to one offer­ing the home­less a help­ing hand…without touch­ing them…Read More at Health­works Collective.

A Decade of War Pushes PTSD To the Forefront in Healthcare Concerns Read More »

Courtroom Tug-of-War

I’ve lived two lives. The for­mer was one rid­dled with despair, wor­ry and con­stant frus­tra­tion. The begin­ning of adult­hood for me was a bite much big­ger than I could chew. Just 22 years old, a new moth­er of twins fin­ish­ing a BA at NYU, I found myself in the mid­dle of a cus­tody bat­tle with the father of my chil­dren. It was the sin­gle worst year of my life count­ed against oth­er years: my father’s bat­tle with can­cer, his sub­se­quent death, bouts of unem­ploy­ment and roman­tic rela­tion­ships gone sour. In that year, thoughts of sui­cide were ram­pant. I for­got to eat and my weight dwin­dled down to 90 pounds. My clothes draped over my bone-thin frame like I was play­ing dress up in my mother’s clos­et. Read more at MommyNoire.com

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A Conversation With Actress and Writer Tanya Wright

My first thought upon meet­ing Tanya Wright at the 2010 Brook­lyn Book Fes­ti­val was “She’s beau­ti­ful.” My sec­ond thought, “I know this girl.” If you don’t know her by name, maybe you know her as Deputy Kenya Jones on “True Blood.” If not there, then sure­ly you’ve seen her on “24”. You might even know her as LaMuzin­dah in 2001’s “The Broth­ers,” but most recent­ly, she com­plet­ed her debut fic­tion nov­el, “But­ter­fly Ris­ing”, and also wrote, direct­ed, pro­duced, and starred in the inspi­ra­tionalmovie slat­ed for release as a fea­ture film. It’s a sto­ry of friend­ship, loss, and redemp­tion. In a can­did con­ver­sa­tion, she spoke about her book, her upcom­ing movie, her inspi­ra­tions behind both, and her future endeav­ors. Read more at Parlemagazine.com

A Conversation With Actress and Writer Tanya Wright Read More »

Eric Benet Talks Crying Men, Seventies Soul, and New Album

If Eric Benét’s newest sin­gle “Some­times I Cry” is any indi­ca­tion of what is to come on his forth­com­ing album Lost In Time, due out Novem­ber 30th, then we can expect soul­ful great­ness packed with emo­tion and wrapped in pas­sion.  He is the epit­o­me of a man in touch with his feel­ings and this album is a kind of tell all, but he is no writer of nov­els. Instead he opts to release his feel­ings through song and does it in the most beau­ti­ful way. He paints his words and uses live instru­ments as his can­vas. This time around, he wants you to feel what he is say­ing and not just hear it.  He recent­ly kicked off a two-month nation­wide tour with Fan­ta­sia tak­ing his pas­sion on the road. Par­lé Mag­a­zine had the plea­sure of a per­son­al con­ver­sa­tion with him to get inside the mas­ter­mind behind the music and dis­sect his many inspi­ra­tions. … Read more at Parlemagazine.com

Eric Benet Talks Crying Men, Seventies Soul, and New Album Read More »

“Champagne Life” for Def Jam Executive’s Birthday Bash

It was cham­pagne life last Thurs­day night at Shawn “Pecas” Cost­ner’s 40th birth­day par­ty host­ed by Hot 97’s Ang­ie Mar­tinez. The Vice Pres­i­dent of Def Jam Pro­mo­tions and renowned music indus­try exec­u­tive cel­e­brat­ed on the roof deck at Stu­dio Square in Asto­ria Queens with a star stud­ded crowd. The décor was beau­ti­ful with the white leather couch­es, the back­drop of Manhattan’s sky­line, and an illu­mi­nat­ed water tow­er in the dis­tance, but the peo­ple there were even more beau­ti­ful where, on a score of 1 to 10, half the women were at least a 25 and the oth­er half too fan­cy to rate.  Women of all shades and col­ors had booties so rotund you’d think they came straight from Africa.… Read more at Parlemagazine.com

“Champagne Life” for Def Jam Executive’s Birthday Bash Read More »