
Author name: Herina Ayot

Writer. Woman. Human. I write about the difficult places.

Please Baby Please Light My Fire

Writ­ing used to come much eas­i­er for me. Thoughts invad­ed my mind late in the mid­night hours, obstruct­ing my sleep, beck­on­ing me to get out of bed, turn on my lap­top and get them all down on paper, in con­crete before they left me, nev­er to be seen or heard from again. I used to enjoy it. Writ­ing in the still of the night, just the glim­mer of my lap­top illu­mi­nat­ing the keys, a cup of cof­fee on the night­stand to my right, always invig­o­rat­ed me. It gave me a sense of pur­pose and a pres­ence that was unmatched by any oth­er activ­i­ty ever. I used to write a blog and every day was a new adven­ture into the unknown. Which words and in which order would they make their way onto the page? I sur­prised even myself, com­ing back to some piece I wrote months or years ago. I’d say “Wow, I wrote this?” I was as enthralled to read it as the next man, hold­ing onto every word, watch­ing the sto­ry unfold, imagery paint­ing a men­tal pic­ture. Writ­ing gave me peace. It was my blan­ket after a heart­break, as if cov­er­ing myself in my sto­ry some­how eased the pain. It didn’t cut as deep because I put it on paper. And iron­i­cal­ly the words I could artic­u­late so eas­i­ly got stuck in my throat in the times I was forced to tell some­one out loud about my thoughts and feel­ings and why I felt the way I did. I don’t know why. I just do. To dis­cov­er the rea­sons behind my feel­ings would be a jour­ney that nei­ther you nor I can ignore. It’s got to be unrav­eled. It’s got to come apart or rather come togeth­er on a sheet of paper, in fiery words that both enlight­en the both of us and sus­pend time by look­ing inside of me at any giv­en moment. Out of the heart, the mouth speaks, or rather the pen writes. Peo­ple say liquor is a truth serum because in a drunk­en state, one can­not lie. Well, a blank sheet of crisp white paper star­ing bold­ly at me through a com­put­er screen was my liquor. It begged the truth. In first per­son, or third, a  mem­oir, or fic­tion, what came out always, like vom­it from my bel­ly, was the truth, of which, more often than not, I was pre­vi­ous­ly unaware. I call myself a writer because I write. And of the mass­es who have a cer­tain tal­ent with the pen, I con­sid­er myself one of the lucky ones because I’ve been pub­lished and paid. When I got my first thir­ty dol­lar check for a piece I wrote for Clutch Mag­a­zine, I was elat­ed.  It was some­thing to write home about, lit­er­al­ly, since I sent a mass email to the fam­i­ly announc­ing I was offi­cial­ly a writer. No more blogs that gen­er­at­ed no rev­enue and became a headache to keep updat­ed in those slumps that plagued me dur­ing bouts of writer’s block. I would work hard and make a liv­ing at this thing. And I did for a while. I became a reg­u­lar con­trib­u­tor for Ebony.com by night and broke into finan­cial writ­ing for an invest­ment firm by day. $100. $500. $1,000 per week.  My life was my spring­board, writ­ing about my love affairs, my chil­dren, and my faith. And then, I got tired. My day job in finance took over, with the demands of the stock mar­ket, cor­po­rate insin­cer­i­ty, and mon­ey hun­gry scoundrels. This is not who I am. I’m gen­tle. I’m lov­ing, prob­a­bly to a fault. Cor­po­rate Amer­i­ca is hard…in tex­ture and in labor. I quit my gig at Ebony.com after the Dig­i­tal Edi­tor edit­ed my words a bit too much. That’s not what I said. I didn’t feel that plat­form was rep­re­sen­ta­tive of my voice. And then, my mind went blank. My stan­dard for writ­ing had shift­ed. I’d read the greats, Toni Mor­ri­son, Khaled Hos­sei­ni, Wal­ly Lamb, Stephen Carter.  Their words glid­ed effort­less­ly onto a page, and pro­ject­ed a motion pic­ture onto the screens in my mind. They told a sto­ry with­out telling a sto­ry. They mere­ly pre­sent­ed the evi­dence and it was the read­er who con­nect­ed the dots. Their prose, so elo­quent. Their pace, pre­cise. Their mean­ing, deep, like it had been buried far beneath the earth’s sur­face, but was uncov­ered like a trea­sure chest through the unfold­ing of their sto­ry. Why can’t I write like that? Pop cul­ture was pay­ing but I wasn’t inter­est­ed.  I don’t care who Bey­once wore at the last MET Gala. North West nev­er did any­thing for my soul.  Brangeli­na can’t change the state of race rela­tions in this coun­try, or teach me a les­son on self-love.  At least I nev­er saw them do it. Writ­ing what was pop­u­lar made my fin­gers hurt and when I strug­gled through the pain, what devel­oped was a less­er me, a piece that con­spic­u­ous­ly lied about my iden­ti­ty. So, I took a break from writ­ing. It was sup­posed to be a month or two to reor­ga­nize my thoughts…wait until I was inspired again. But the months rolled by like a tum­ble­weed in the desert. My mind was dry. I watched movies, lis­tened to my favorite songs on repeat, med­i­tat­ed on my life’s occur­rences look­ing for that spark, that begin­ning line of a mas­ter­piece that gripped me in the brief moment between my head hit­ting the pil­low at night, and my mind drift­ing off to Nev­er Nev­er Land. I was on guard even in my dreams, look­ing in crevices and well hid­den places for a sto­ry idea, a beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten para­graph, even a pow­er­ful word. There was noth­ing. There are real sto­ries of course. But, I’m not well enough versed on the Syr­ia issue to write about it intel­li­gent­ly and while I now find myself in love, I’m not ready to share that part of my life with the world. Although I am cer­tain he will be my hus­band in due time and our sto­ry is one made for a fea­ture film that

Please Baby Please Light My Fire Read More »

Tension and Release: A History of Jazz and Sex

Jazz, at its very core, is sex. The one begs the oth­er. Har­mon­ic ten­sion, rhyth­mic ten­sion, and even melod­ic ten­sion, fol­lowed by release match­es the feel of the moment, pas­sion and unrest bent up inside a per­son before the ulti­mate and sud­den exhale. The New York Amer­i­can had this to say of jazz music in 1922, “Lights were low­ered, and to the strains of syn­co­pat­ed music, actions that are inde­scrib­able took place. This is the full flow­er­ing — the fruition of mod­ern erot­ic music, which has so crazed and befud­dled the moral make-up of young peo­ple… Read more at EBONY 

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Disney Celebrates Black History Month With “We Are Doc McStuffins”

If you ask a kid, any kid, to name a famous bas­ket­ball play­er, you’re more than like­ly to see the kid light up with excite­ment, maybe dunk an imag­i­nary b‑ball and run off names with a smirk like Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Jor­dan, even if they know the lat­ter only by his sneak­ers.  Ask the lit­tle one to name a singer: “Bey­once”, “Wil­low Smith”, “Nic­ki Minaj.”  Now ask her to name a famous Black doc­tor. If the year was 1989, she might say “Dr. Huxtable.”  In 2013, you’ll hear crick­ets…Read more at EBONY.com

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To The Modern Gentleman

I don’t know if men have a per­son­al vendet­ta against women or if the good ones real­ly are an endan­gered species, soon to be extinct. What­ev­er the case, I still like to think I’ll choose bet­ter next time. No, this is not anoth­er sad love song about men and their short­com­ings, but an exposé, if you will, of facts and obser­va­tions. … Read more at Hall of the Black Dragon.

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Young Chris Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Young Chris, bet­ter known as one half of the duo, Young Gunz, is back to rein­tro­duce him­self. He meant what he said when he and his part­ner Neef gained much suc­cess with their sin­gle “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop.”  With his new­ly released mix­tape as a solo artist titled apt­ly, The Re-Intro­­duc­­tion, it is evi­dent that Young Chris has matured and trans­formed and may be more appro­pri­ate­ly referred to as Christo­pher Ries. He signed to Gram­my Award win­ning pro­duc­er, Rico Love’s (I AM…Sasha Fierce, Ray­mond vs. Ray­mond) Divi­sion One Label under the Universal/Motown umbrel­la and start­ed work imme­di­ate­ly on new songs. Par­lé Mag­a­zine caught up with Young Chris for a brief but can­did con­ver­sa­tion about life as a solo artist and all that Hip-Hop is lack­ing these days.… Read more at Parlemagazine.com

Young Chris Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Read More »

Hip Hop Group, Voice, Have the Audacity to Stand Out

“Swag­ger with some con­tent. Some­thing you can bop to.”  Nick Vibes, one third of the Louisville, Ken­tucky Hip-Hop group, Voice, defined their music well with this line from their sin­gle “What Chu Sed.” Web­ster’s dic­tio­nary defines an anom­aly as an irreg­u­lar­i­ty or some­thing that devi­ates from the nor­mal expec­ta­tions. Nick Vibes, Dre Vice, and Suave Duave have enti­tled their upcom­ing albumThe Anom­aly in an attempt to alert their audi­ence of the new approach they bring to music. Their lyrics are wit­ty and social­ly rel­e­vant. Their music is easy to lis­ten to and the unde­ni­ably attrac­tive mem­bers are quite easy to look at. These artists are on the verge of some­thing big and Par­lé Mag­a­zine want­ed a piece of the action. We caught up with Nick Vibes and Dre Vice to under­stand where they get the audac­i­ty to stand out… Read more at ParleMagazine.com  

Hip Hop Group, Voice, Have the Audacity to Stand Out Read More »

A Game Every Child Should Play

“Chess is in many ways like life itself. It’s all con­densed in a play­ful man­ner in a game for­mat and it’s extreme­ly fas­ci­nat­ing because, first of all, I’m in con­trol of my own des­tiny, I’m in charge. You have to be respon­si­ble for your actions, you make a move, you had bet­ter think ahead about what’s going to hap­pen, not after it hap­pens, because then it’s too late.” Read more at http://mommynoire.com/15983/game-every-child-should-pla/#qHuZ4wvU27I76afM.99

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Are My Children Racist?

The idea of race is a fig­ment of our imag­i­na­tion. Sci­en­tists rec­og­nize it as a social con­struc­tion rather than a bio­log­i­cal one, yet few peo­ple ques­tion its exis­tence. Like choco­late, peo­ple range in hue from shades of dark choco­late, to milk choco­late, to white choco­late, but any choco­late lover appre­ci­ates them all. God set us in var­i­ous parts of the world where the sun’s rays shine a lit­tle dif­fer­ent­ly but are glo­ri­ous nonethe­less, and then he appro­pri­at­ed our skin tones to accom­mo­date such. Race des­ig­na­tions are mere­ly a way to divide an oth­er­wise undi­vid­ed human race, so you can imag­ine my shock and dis­ap­proval when I found out my chil­dren are racist.     Read more at http://mommynoire.com/9468/9468/#xsXYC2hhqysAmdkF.99

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In Love and Relationships: The Four Lessons I’ll Take On My Journey

Our minds have a lot to do with where we allow our lives to take us and the kind of rela­tion­ships we are inclined to have.  A writer I enjoy, Michelle McK­in­ney Ham­mond, once told me that self mas­tery says, I am the boss of me. I make deci­sions that the rest of me fol­lows to my bet­ter­ment. When you look at your life, as a series of years, like a book sec­tioned into chap­ters, it is much eas­i­er to see the road you’ve trav­eled, your bless­ings, and your fail­ures that give way to bless­ings that make life all the more ful­fill­ing. In love, the jour­ney is all about tri­al and error. Yet, when we err, we err on the side of being too vul­ner­a­ble, too lov­ing, too giv­ing, and too pas­sion­ate. Thus far, 2012 has brought peo­ple into my life who have changed me for the bet­ter. Even those who have hurt me have real­ly helped me because, in them, I’ve uncov­ered four lessons to take with me for my jour­ney… Read more at Madame Noire.  http://madamenoire.com/206280/in-love-in-life-the-four-lessons-ill-take-on-my-journey/

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Don’t Marry A Man Unless…

Don’t mar­ry a man unless you would be proud to have a son exact­ly like him. I read this phrase and thought it was impor­tant to remem­ber. So often, women cre­ate a list of things they want in a man, be it long or short, and fail to include this very stip­u­la­tion. Some say they want a man who is accom­plished, good look­ing, reli­gious, smart, but fail to assess char­ac­ter… Read more at Madame Noire.

Don’t Marry A Man Unless… Read More »