This is Why I Do It

all the same

From Sab­ri­na

I read your arti­cle on the Huff­in­g­ton post and I felt like you were telling my sto­ry. It feels good to know some­one out there felt the same way I did, but still man­aged to take care of busi­ness and lat­er learn that what every­one else thinks real­ly does­nt mat­ter as long as we are hap­py. I bought a one way tick­et to Hawaii in 2006 to be with my best­friend and get my Social work degree. I nev­er fin­ished and came home to my par­ents in Flori­da 4 months pregnant..head hang­ing down know­ing how dis­ap­point­ed they were. I moved out even­tu­al­ly and strug­gled but still man­aged to main­tain a nice roof over our head, food in the fridge and clothes on our back. My son nev­er even real­ized mon­ey was tight. My par­ents are still judgemental..but i final­ly woke up and said to myself .. I will nev­er make them 100% hap­py thats impossible..and it adds more stress to my life as well try­ing to please them. I have my own fam­i­ly to take care of now and need to remain focused on that. After repeat­ing that a mil­lion times and pray­ing I feel like a weight has lift­ed. I’m look­ing for­ward to read­ing your book! Thank you for shar­ing your expe­ri­ence. smile emoti­con

Take care and God bless

From Kera

Your sto­ry is sim­i­lar to my life but I am prob­a­bly a lit­tle old­er than you. The best sum­mer of my life was with the love of my life and as fate has it we NOW live 30 miles apart both divorced and still have a spark but time 22 years, and life keeps us not far apart but not togeth­er. It nev­er ever goes away but as you know life goes on and you learn to love the one you are with. I mar­ried my son’s father and we made it for a few years but my heart nev­er replaced the unique feel­ing I have only shared with him. Until you wrote this I nev­er thought any­one could relate to that feel­ing of what might have been. Again THANK YOU FOR SHARING… I WISH YOUR HEART PEACE. KERA

From Mehnaz

I read your post ” i fell in love car­ry­ing anoth­er mans child” I hav been in a sit­u­a­tion too. In love with anoth­er man, while being mar­ried to anoth­er man and hav­ing a child. Today we are far apart. No con­tact, bcoz he mar­ried some­one else Just like you , i won­der if he could again have those feel­ings that he had for me. How can he live with­out me, though still think of him every­day I wish some­one would answer my mys­ter­ies. I wish he would come back one day to tell me that i was only his true love ( heart broken)

From Leng

“I Fell In Love Car­ry­ing Anoth­er Man’s Child” brought me to tears when i read this part, ” There was an eas­i­ness, a kind of liv­ing for the moment that I had­n’t felt any­where else. He was present with me and I with him. When my fears of the future got the best of me, he would hold my chin and remind me every­thing was going to be okay.”

From Lamine

Hel­lo Heri­na, I just read your sto­ry “I Fell In Love Car­ry­ing Anoth­er Man’s Child” and found it very touch­ing. There are peo­ple that we meet in life and fall in love with but not meant to be with that per­son for some rea­sons. I think we all run to sit­u­a­tions like that at some point in our life. I think after that we do live with that nice sou­venir and the thought of that per­son should always put a smile in our face and bright­en our day. I hope every­thing is going well for you as I am sure all that peri­odd of your life must not been easy but Life is full of expe­ri­ences and even the worst one are teach­ing us plen­ty and we should always grab the pos­i­tive things of life and live life grate­ful­ly. Take good care

From Jason

Good stuff at … I think I’m a fan. I know I don’t have to tell you, but keep writing.

From Andrea

You’re arti­cles are so touch­ing and relat­able. Keep doing what you do

From Craig

Read your col­umn in Huff­po, just now. Well done phe­nom­i­nal woman…well done.

From Ash­leigh

Hel­lo , I don’t know you . I actu­al­ly don’t remem­ber how I stum­bled on ur page . But I’ve been so inspired by ur posts . Please con­tin­ue to write ! Even if it’s just on fb ! It has been very encouraging.