From Sabrina
I read your article on the Huffington post and I felt like you were telling my story. It feels good to know someone out there felt the same way I did, but still managed to take care of business and later learn that what everyone else thinks really doesnt matter as long as we are happy. I bought a one way ticket to Hawaii in 2006 to be with my bestfriend and get my Social work degree. I never finished and came home to my parents in Florida 4 months pregnant..head hanging down knowing how disappointed they were. I moved out eventually and struggled but still managed to maintain a nice roof over our head, food in the fridge and clothes on our back. My son never even realized money was tight. My parents are still judgemental..but i finally woke up and said to myself .. I will never make them 100% happy thats impossible..and it adds more stress to my life as well trying to please them. I have my own family to take care of now and need to remain focused on that. After repeating that a million times and praying I feel like a weight has lifted. I’m looking forward to reading your book! Thank you for sharing your experience. smile emoticon
Take care and God bless
From Kera
Your story is similar to my life but I am probably a little older than you. The best summer of my life was with the love of my life and as fate has it we NOW live 30 miles apart both divorced and still have a spark but time 22 years, and life keeps us not far apart but not together. It never ever goes away but as you know life goes on and you learn to love the one you are with. I married my son’s father and we made it for a few years but my heart never replaced the unique feeling I have only shared with him. Until you wrote this I never thought anyone could relate to that feeling of what might have been. Again THANK YOU FOR SHARING… I WISH YOUR HEART PEACE. KERA
From Mehnaz
I read your post ” i fell in love carrying another mans child” I hav been in a situation too. In love with another man, while being married to another man and having a child. Today we are far apart. No contact, bcoz he married someone else Just like you , i wonder if he could again have those feelings that he had for me. How can he live without me, though still think of him everyday I wish someone would answer my mysteries. I wish he would come back one day to tell me that i was only his true love ( heart broken)
From Leng
From Lamine
From Jason
Good stuff at … I think I’m a fan. I know I don’t have to tell you, but keep writing.
From Andrea
From Craig
From Ashleigh