Submission Is For Men Too

I loved this lit­tle piece from Chris Kazi Rolle. Thought­ful and Inspir­ing…  Sourced from Con­trary to pop­u­lar belief, sub­mis­sion is for men too. It’s impos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence love at the deep­est lev­el with­out both par­ties being sub­mis­sive. When two peo­ple give of them­selves it takes the rela­tion­ship high­er. When only one per­son sub­mits, there will always be […]

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Confessions: Lost Him Found Myself

It was in the nights I spent let­ting my tears trick­le onto my laven­der pil­lows, that I often won­dered why Apple nev­er cre­at­ed an app for heart­break.  iHurt seemed like a fit­ting name. The idea could hard­ly be nov­el in this time when any­one with inter­net access could upload, down­load, or Google all of life’s answers if they […]

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