Watch… You Will See

Jesus was 33 when he died. There is some­thing enchant­i­ng about that. I feel old. Prob­a­bly because many peo­ple I meet are younger than me and things didn’t used to be this way. But still, I feel like I have so much life left to live. Here are my reflec­tions on my 33rd year of life and my won­ders for my 34th.

Read More Watch… You Will See

The Single Parent Solution

My 8‑year-old twins have a prob­lem. There are three sides to the sto­ry. The Black Fam­i­ly in Amer­i­ca has suf­fered tremen­dous set­backs since our arrival over 400 years ago. In recent decades, some, like Bill Cos­by in his infa­mous  2004 com­ments and sub­se­quent book “Come On Peo­ple,” have placed the blame on the black com­mu­ni­ty, itself, […]

Read More The Sin­gle Par­ent Solution