Watch… You Will See

Jesus was 33 when he died. There is some­thing enchant­i­ng about that. I feel old. Prob­a­bly because many peo­ple I meet are younger than me and things didn’t used to be this way. But still, I feel like I have so much life left to live. Here are my reflec­tions on my 33rd year of life and my won­ders for my 34th.

Read More Watch… You Will See

5 Things I Know For Sure

1. Life is about rela­tion­ships, not mon­ey.   2. Nev­er take any­thing too seri­ous­ly. At even the dark­est times, it’s not that bad.   3. Every­one fights a bat­tle at some point in their life. Every­one. Whether you can see it or not.   4. Cheese and bacon makes every­thing taste bet­ter.   5. God is real.

Read More 5 Things I Know For Sure